Hello, I’m looking for some help on creating a rain effect a website I’m developing.
I’ve seen tutorials on how to create a rain effect, except for one problem: they all add “splashes” at the bottom, to resemble what would happen if a rain drop would hit an object on the ground (water, pavement, etc). I need the effect to travel downward and to the right diagonally, and go completely from the top of the screen, to a point past the bottom where it would no longer be visable. In short, I need the rain drops to travel diagonally from top to bottom without interuption.
I’ve tried using the blur timeline effect to acomplish this, but to no avail. As I am still new to Flash, I really have no other ideas on how to accomplish this, maybe with a random math function like the one used in the “Snow 2.0” tutorial on this site?
Any help would be greatly appriciated and I would like to thank you in advance for any help and/or consideration any of you give to my plea.