Rain Effect

Can someone show me a tutorial that would help me out on creating a rain effect thx

Hey there:
I like doing stuff like that:beam:

As far as I know, there isn’t really a tutorial on it. I made the fla called thunderstars to simulate a warp effect. You can change the code around and the apperance of the star/raindrop. It doesn’t use any tweens.
The other one (realLightning) I got off the internet I think at FlashKit.com.
Good luck!!


what was that…:slight_smile:

sorry, my finger slipped on the enter key early
…premature enteration

2 steps

  1. Make a movie clip named rain (it should represent a rain drop)

  2. make some AS which duplicates the movie clip a certain amount of times, give it a random _x and a _y that is above the screen. then apply some direction to the clips. the code should look similar to the one below:

[AS]rain._visible = false;
amountOfRain = 100
moveMe = function () {
this._x += this.dx;
this._y -= this.dy;
this._alpha -= 2;
if (this._y>400) {
this.dx = Math.random()3;
this.dy = Math.random()
this._alpha = 100;
this._x = Math.random()*550;
this._y = 0;
if (this._x>550) {
this.dx = Math.random()3;
this.dy = Math.random()
this._alpha = 100;
this._x = Math.random()*550;
this._y = 0;
for (i=0; i<amountOfRain; i++) {
nm = “rain” add i;
rain.duplicateMovieClip(nm, i);
scale = Math.random()*80+50;
_root[nm]._xscale = scale;
_root[nm]._yscale = scale;
_root[nm].dx = Math.random()3;
_root[nm].dy = Math.random()
_root[nm].onEnterFrame = moveMe;
_root[nm]._x = Math.random()550;
_root[nm]._y = Math.random()

have phun :slight_smile:

dx represents wind, dy is the downward speed, amountOfRain is how many times the rain MC should be duplicated (i recomend under 200) the “this._alpha -= 2” controls the speed at which the rain fades. anymore questions, ask me :wink:


thx alot zylum…:slight_smile: much thanks… !!

now if I had a lightning affect to go with it that would be sweet…any ideas? darn thats sweet,… !!