Anyone knows how to do that?\r\rWhat I’m talking about is that instead of randomly cycling letters (random variable that’s being displayed in a dynamic text box), I want to cycle between random Movie Clips, i.e. I have one movieclip in display and it cycles between random other movieclips (replacing itself with a random MC) until it shows a specific MovieClip that I specify.\r\rThe reason I need this is because I wanted this special font that uses unique characters but I couldn’t find it anywhere… However I found images of it, so I’ve imported the image into Flash and created vector shapes that correspond to the font in the image. (I’m feeling that I’m sweerling this a bit too much…)\r\rOK! OK!!! I ADMIT IT!!! I CAN’T EXPLAIN IT GOOD ENOUGH WITHOUT TELLING THAT I WANT TO CREATE THE MATRIX EFFECT!!! YES!!! I’M A HUGE FAN OF MATRIX! SUE ME!!! I WANT TO CREATE THAT CODE! I WANT THAT FONT! I DON’T HAVE THAT FONT! I WANT TO MANUALY CREATE THE FONT! HELP ME TO MANUALY CREATE THE FONT!!!
P.S.\r\r<font color=darkgreen>I leik green.</font>\r
I’ve got about a million of the dratted things, so I might well have the one you’re after. That would save the hassle of doing the random movie clips.
you may want to try WildformFX…they have that Matrix effect pre-built, unless you’re looking to create it from scratch…
- I don’t the name of the font, if I knew I guess I would find it. But I know that the Matrix code is in an old Japanese language named KATAKANA.\r\r2. I downloaded the trial of WildformFX (which name is actualy SWfX), and I couldn’t find there the Matrix effect pre-built, nor on their site.\r\r3. Besides, what I need is the GENUINE code that’s seen in the movie, I don’t want some sort of random letters and symbols, I want THE code!\r\r4. I’ve seen a site that uses a very similar font to the Matrix code in their intro. I sent an e-mail to the webmaster but he still didn’t answer…
I’ve just had a look at that Matrix fan site and I see what you’re getting at. Their Japanese characters aren’t randomised though, they just scroll down the screen, and I presume you want them to change between characters while they scroll…\r\rGetting the genuine thing might be a little on the difficult side…\r\rOh, and have you tried for the Katakana?\r
I tried every font site I know, I even tried searching for it on google and on altavista. But all I keep finding is Katakana learning sites and books. AAAAARRGHHH!!!\r\rThere has to be someone who knows where to get that font/effect!
The reason you can’t find a Japanese font is because the Japanese Katakana isn’t an alphabet, its a language composed of wordsigns…so there it is unlikely that you would be able to find a font like that because I am sure they don’t exist. My roommate has the ability to type in Japanese on his computer, but he uses XP Professional and it allows that, and its not a font… And the matrix code is backwards numbers, letters AND Japanese katakana…
I doubt that you right about that.\r\rI DID find sites where you CAN download Katakana True Type Fonts. The problem was, that it wasn’t free .\r\rHowever here’s an interesting fact:\rAlmost everywhere I look, Katakana comes together with Hiragana. It’s always Hiragana-Katakana or Katakana-Hiragana. However when I look at example images, the two languages seem very different from each other. The Hiragana seems to have a lot more curves and complex shapes unlike the simple and almost greek-like Katakana.\r\rI managed to properly “Trace Bitmap” of an image that showed all the Katakana characters. And even more, I made a short flick showing that font/character set.\r\rDownload this flick:****a…ixcode.swf\r\rAs you can see there, I didn’t make a randomizer. Just plain symbols running down the screen. Also note that all the columns are running at the same speed. That’s because everything is a single tweened symbol.\r\rThe short was copied from the opening of the The Matrix. Pretty cool huh?
\rCouldn’t find any sfx for the code tough
I edited this because it didnt’ make sense to me. Well if you can’t find a free katakana font, then you’re probly going to have to manually create the characters as movieclips and then randomly tween them down the screen…
HUH?!?!?!!?\r\rI already did!!! Read my previous post!\r\rOh and the webmaster finally answered and he sent me that font, it rocks! Tough it’s not the Katakana one, but it’s close enough!
uh, i have the katakana font so i’ll try and post it up. i’m not at home right now, but when i am, i’ll get back to you all.
Sorry Flatline, I don’t pay attention…its finals week and I have been stressed. Thats good that they sent you that font, let us know how it turns out…
OK, here’s how I think I’ll do this effect:\r\r1. Create a MC that contains all the symbols on different frames with different labels (kat1, kat2, kat3 etc…). Every frame has a Stop action.\r\r2. On every frame I’ll put an empty MC with these actions:\r\ronClipEvent(enterframe){\rshift = random(2); // Whether to change the char or not\rkatnum = random(47); // The total characters of the Katakana\rif (shift==1){\rgotoAndStop(“kat”+katnum);\r}\r}\r\r3. I’ll put lots of the MC that I just created all over the stage.\r\r4. Create a layer that will mask over the MC’s.\r\r5. Tween the mask downward.\r\rI also thought about creating several layers with several masks so the characters won’t appear all at once and in the same row.\r\r\rSo what do you think?
I don’t really think that is the best or easiest way to do it. I am trying to think of a better way, but I won’t be able to make something until this coming weekend…
Hmmm… I also thouht about instead of creating many layers, I will create one MC that contains one layer with a column of symbols (the randomizers) and a mask layer that tweens down.\r\rThen in the main movie I will put keyframes in different places when every keyframe “spawns” another MC with the tweening mask…