I’ve read the Random Movement in Flash MX tutorial, and it works great, very easy to follow and to create the animation! Thanks to Suprabeener and Kirupa!!!
Thing is…I’m trying to create a movie with random moving buttons, I’ve created a button and convert it into a movie clip so I can had the AS code. Although working well on the various states, (up, down, over)…the buttons don’t work when I try link them with a get URL or a go to frame action!
How can I make it work?
And is it possible to stop the selected button from moving randomly when a mouse is over it and start to movement again once the mouse rolls out!
hmmm…i think i´ve put the actions on the movie clip after converting the button!!!maibe thats why is going wrong!
thanks novatake i will try to do what u have said!!
Kax, have u seen the site www.toca-me.com.
that site is one god example of what i´m trying to do whith my buttons! The site as great design and great flash…but thats my opinion!!
Thanks Kax…it works fine…but i wonder if its possible to control the ease parametres of the clips! and the continue movement also, because if you stop moving the muse over the clips they stop moving after a wile!
but thanks again. it´s really coll effect
i made that .fla because i was bored… and i made it exactly as toca-me.com (at least i can’t find any difference between them).
i’ll make another version tomorrow so the other movieclips will keep moving.
you´re rigth, there´s no diference i went tocame to chek it again!..hey man, do you work for the guys ;)!! Really coll. I´m using it im my next site project if you don´t mind of course!
Thanks again Kax, you realy help me out here! :thumb: :thumb:
Kax… and that moving image in Tocame, do you know how those guys did that…did they use a sequence of different images or is just one image with some actions scripts…here’s another cool example using the same effect: