Ok, so the idea of this isn’t original or anything, but I actually wasn’t planning on doing this.
I started out doing one thing with random points, but then I went completely off track and ended up with this. I thought it was pretty cool in the end so I kept it
Instructions: Input a number from 1-99 in the textbox in the upper right then click the submit button to see the clips updated. You can toggle the quality with the button in the lower left corner, this was because it runs better on low quality, especially with a lot of clips, but with a few clips you can use high quality.
That is all there is to it. The textbox that follow each point is the label of the clip that tells you which point # that is.
PS: The random motion script (and all the AS in it in fact) is all mine, I did not use sbeeners tutorial on random motion.
WOW! Thanks guys, I definitely did expect to get such good reviews. I was expecting some “eh, not that great, but good job” things.
Playa: Yeah, I use the drawing API to redraw the lines to each of the clips. The points are actually dynmically created empty movie clips, but it was no fun when you couldn’t see nothing, so I used attachMovie() to attach the block for the points and inside that clip I have the textbox that has the label.
dam… insomnia is killing me. I have to wake up in 9 hours to go to the gym, and that is going to kill me because I have been getting 11 hours of sleep every night…
Yeah, I don’t think it is that great either, but for steering way off the path of my original idea and ending up with something else that actually worked in the middle of the night after a while of no sleep… I think I can be proud enough to call it good
Joshua Davis-esque :!: Wow… I didn’t think it fell in that realm of good :beam:
You should see my source code… :!: It is horrid! ;( I am embarrassed to post it
Ilyas: Both of those files are the same… I attached the file in that last post, then I took the link of that file (right clicked and did “copy shortcut”) and put it in the first post. So they are the same file. But if you mean the same code as the example I posted… no, the posted example is my unoptimized code. I think the only difference that I noticed was maybe it works a bit faster than the original one, but other than that… works exactly the same.
personally I think you suck Lost…:*( The animation is nice, but you suck cause I can’t do anything like that yet. So until I can do something better, you’re stuck being sucky. hahaha good job lost. =)