guig0 has a zero in it, not an o… get it straight hammy
*Originally posted by xxviii *
**how do you pronounce rme… try again? **
like verm without the v and plus an e at the end
*Originally posted by xxviii *
**guig0 has a zero in it, not an o… get it straight hammy **
the zero stand for o too, infact my nick name is guigo, but on the net i use Guig0
oh… now it makes sense… can i just call you guiliherme?
sure! whatever you want
fonzi? dad? sven? can i call you those?
I’m sorry sir! PLEASE DON’T HURT ME!!!
lol… sorry, im just special
Hey bruce
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
sorry but I have never recognized the zero in your name as that would require more werk every time I posted to you. Too ophten for such radical time consuming requirments.
It’s always been Guig -o- to me, got it buddy?
pj :bad: **
i don´t care, as long as i can understand you i´m phine!
wait am i mini guig0 or guigo… oh crap… im confused now
if you have phaith, you can be whoever you wanna be
and yes, call me whatever you want.
im gonna be mini guig0… go me!!
im gettin lots of posts tonight
go team…
i guess its time to alert kirupaville that im goin to bed cuz im tired and had a really bad day… but id like to thank everyone here for being interesting so i could get my mind off things…
and i got like 50 posts today… im feelin pretty special right about now
well anyways… thanks… and good night
*Originally posted by xxviii *
**im gonna be mini guig0… go me!!
im gettin lots of posts tonight **
holy **** another guig0, i’m scared now… :x :x
lol, vii your a joker
so guigo about your footer. taking a walk doesnt actually take me anywhere does it? because i musta walked 10 miles without seeing anything
actually it does take you somewhere
if you know the secret button combination… and use your imagination… its really there… i got there once
*Originally posted by fez *
**so guigo about your footer. taking a walk doesnt actually take me anywhere does it? because i musta walked 10 miles without seeing anything **
it´s a time travel thang. to one direction the day goes by, to the opposite direction the day goes backwards
no biggie =)
geeeeeeeze… just completely take the fun outta that one…
instead of starting new threads im just gonna put all my random nonsense in here
and here it is
its really small and really dumb, but i am very proud of myself
its an imput box and an output box… thats it
but im proud :beam: