I haven’t said anything in a while… and I’m sure you are all just dying with out me. So I thought I’d make a post about something interesting to talk about. Hmmm…
Uhhhh… I stole Bob the Builder stickers from my 5 year old step sister. That’s a good topic right? How about this… I had mediterranean(spelled righter) food today. Ummm… I went to target today… thats good too right? Ohhhh I went to a SABAH (skating for the blind and handicapped) show today. Yup… those are some good topics… yup…
ehhh… so how bout them space cowboys with them new fangled spork throwers and cactus pants?
cuban missle crisis?
well now i have to go to work… no fair… i wanted to have an exciting conversation about space cowboys…
do you have a fever?
lol j/k=)
a fever?
i have a femur… does that count?
woohhooo theres a relpy for ya
[SIZE=1]lets see how many posts xxviii can make by himself in a row[/SIZE]
*Originally posted by morse *
**[SIZE=1]lets see how many posts xxviii can make by himself in a row[/SIZE] **
Mmmm i´d say about one for every 30 sec…
just j/k, 28 is a good self restrained spammer like myself, and, like me, all his posts are both delightful and wise (-:
[SIZE=1]i got to make it up with him…you know, in our first meating i was really bad to him :([/SIZE]
mmm… hehehe
wow. morse sure had a prominent personality. everything he says is just dripping in sarcasm.
well its all good. i dont like people much anyway. people are idiots. i mean my neighbors paid me 40 dollars to shovel their car out of a foot of snow. a foot . thats as stupid as it gets
yay… replies… score
yes, guig0… you are very very mean! just kidding… you scared me… it was funny… i hope i can do that to someone some day:P
and morse… you have no idea of my powers… i could blow you away with continuous posts… ok probably not… maybe they wouldnt be so continous if someone actually replied to my stupid posts… grrrr:bad:
guess what… i got a free pizza that was sittin in the hot box for 3 hours… its fun workin at a pizza place
*Originally posted by xxviii *
…yes, guig0… you are very very mean! just kidding… you scared me… it was funny… i hope i can do that to someone some day:P…
God! what have i done?? i raised a monster!!!
yes you did guig0
i have super powers… yay
wait, no i dont
im just gonna be mean when i grow up
just like guig0:bad: :beam:
just so everyone knows… i was in a bad mood but then i came here and now im all not in a bad mood
score one for kirupaville
a mini me!! :beam:
yes, i am a mini guig0!
and now thats goin underneath my avatar… cuz im really bored… and it sounds fun! weeee!
what? no reply… fine how abou these
I. My real name isn’t really xxviii, It’s Josh.
II. I found the K-team website. I feel special
Now can i get a response?
hey, you´re an improved mini me, coz you soo much :crazy:er than me…
Nice to meet you Josh! my name is Guilherme, and yes, you are special
haha… nice pic
guilwhat? i cant spell or pronounce that… thats cool… i want a cool name… no fair
im josh
im guessing your phil
who is phil jayham? i searched everywere and never found any mention of this guy…
Guilherme is pronounced kidaof like geelee-eh-rme, i think :-\
how do you pronounce rme… try again?