[RANT] I Think A Member Cheated In The Arcade

OK so i go to the arcade to see my top score beaten on a game, but it is 5000 + on the small snake game, then i go to the main menu i see he has other highs but his time is 58 secs for one were over have played over 1000 second to get that high, i think the user Fact has cheated no way could he have soo good in the small time, its impossible.

If you havent im sorry but the scores and timing just do match up at all, go to the arcade and look for yourself guys.


Look ta his time and score compared to other, no way could he have done it like that.

Look at this one too


telekinis was first but got beat he played over 1000 seocnd and the top Fact has only played 103 and has why mor epoint.