700th Post(Special)

Ok this is my 700th post.

I have been here for along time and felt that I should amke this a special post so I made a game.

Its called the “kirupaFourm Thread poster”(KFTP)

Here you guys all go.


There is also a cheat but when I get enough replies and telling me your score ill give the cheat away or there will be no fun in the game.

i got 849 and it still said i lost :-\

**** sorry ill fix it now.

Do you know the cheat.

I think it works now

I found the cheat, it adds +10 while you hold it down! :wink:

Yeah i made sure the cheat was easy to find.

But dont tell any one;)

I got over 17000 and i still lost

hmm i clicked lol. but having two mice didnt hurt,

edit if you hold down the button? it doesnt work for me…

Yeah thats becasue you used the cheat


but i clicked everysingle one and lost, +the cheat dont work…

yeah MDIPI you got the game at a bad time.

Thats when it dident wprk.

Do it again and it will work.

Hint:Press the “Cheat Key” to get to 690 then clcik your way from there.

This game has tons of bugs only because I made it in like 10 mins but owell.

Just to show you guys I care.

ahaha i found the cheat key. that was a lot easyer! the replay button doesnt work though

::lol:: I said it was buggy ::lol::