Rap Songs

Back you up 110% :thumb:.

Mos Def is amazing. I could listen to the way he speaks his lyrics all day.

I thought I was the only person who thought there was a difference between rap and hip-hop :).

I do hate all that dirty south ****. I think the videos are horrible and have no meaning to them…

As much as I like Jay-Z and Mase, they still are BS :P.

TheReefster has spoken :ne:.

Ok holy crap left the Fourm for about 10mins and I come back to 2 pages filled of posts.

I dident get a chance to read all of them.

Anyways Kayne west isent the best rapper and I dont think he is a wanksta he is just honestly signigng he is trying his best nbut yeah he is an amazing producer.

Also Warriors is an amazing song i love it it rocks.

Actually alot of songs on Llyod banks cd are great.

Anyways I also like jurassic 5 not the best i onyl like a couple of there songs but there pretty good rapping without swear words.

I thought the piano was on the “on fire” song. “Warrior” is a different song.

yeah thats what i meant to say On Fire I got confused cuase I was thinking of warrior

Also the song By llyod banks Till The End the piano on that is Eminem too.

Eminem has alot of talent man he is like amazing.

Cant wait till his new cd

Yea the piano sounds great.

I like the video more than the song though ;).


Im one of the peple that like to listen to lyrics but the beat always gets me going.

Also videos are always great too

storyboard for a typical rap video (watch the video to any nelly or jay z song)

car rolls up



rapper’s bling bling




individual girls, one after the other

more girls

car rolls out of view

Rap?! Oh god, please no more of that. I’m thorugh that era, the only good rap was like busta ryhmes back in the day :wink:

Might I add - we men like to see girls ;).

we do? ****, seems like I got it all the wrong way 'round :wink:
for christ’s sake, is it necessary to censor the d word? wail

^didn’t sound right :wink:

But hey, you know what annoying but good song was stuck in my head? Yeah by Usher

I am a fan of all different kinds of music. And a fan of different people in each genre. 2-pac was a legend. Little John and the East Side boys can go lick balls.

Little John is just a bunch of yelling and b*hes and hos and st. 2 pac was a hard gangstar but could still rap about his momma. That toook talent and huge cojones.

BombingPixels… How many years do you have in life to form such a staunch opinion about music?

[QUOTE=EthanM2-pac was a legend. Little John and the East Side boys can go lick balls.

Little John is just a bunch of yelling and b*hes and hos and st. 2 pac was a hard gangstar but could still rap about his momma. That toook talent and huge cojones.

Couldn’t agree more

dont hate rap, just dont like it. im more of a rock guy myself. id take a little zeppelin or metallica over rap anyday.

there are just too few times i can hear cussing being passed off as music.

I like Dave Chappelle as Little jon, that’s about it :slight_smile:

Oh and about Kanye. From what I know about him he’s an ***hole. He got into that major car accident and has made a ton of money with the inspired album that came from it. Well the other guy that he hit head on can hardly walk now because he has so many pins and rods in his body. Kanye hasn’t given this guy a dime…gotta save that money for your ice and your hollywood hills mansion.

And the song about Jesus walked is just real hokey to me. One I’m not a fan of Jesus, two a rapper trying to be all “yeah Jesus is cool” seems odd to me.

…good song…Yeah by Usher

huh? what? sorry, those to phrases in one sentence confused me a bit.
And regarding post #43 by Ethan - yeah, just a couple more reasons to
starts rapping
hate Kanye West
like the pest
insert wicked bassline here

Total: There is a song called “Yeah” by Usher.

And yeah go Total it’s birthday…

I don’t listen to mainstream RAP as much but I would have to say some of it is okay. Lets just say there is as much crap in Rap as there is in Underground Hip Hop so it kind of balances out with the bling bling in RAP and nonsense lyrics in UG Hip Hop. Kind of like the Nelly vs KRS1 battles…

As far as Kanye goes, well, i seen a ad for his record and it was like “Hip Hop is Back.” WTF, hip-hop has always been around, everyone was just listening to rap half the time. Kanye is another paper rapper IMO.

Anyways as of now, the track that got me hooked is Visionaries - If you can’t say love. Very good track and I can see it as a upcoming classic.