.rar files? ATTN: Kirupa

I was talking to FIshtank today (after unintentionally insulting him) and he mentioned that you should allow .rar uploads.

For those of you that don’t know (which you all should) .rar files are similar to .zip they are a compression file that actually compress better than zip files. Fishtanks file would have been 13kB instead of the 30Kb that he had to post on the forum.

Just a suggestion, but I thought it was a good one. :slight_smile: :egg: :toad:

Awesome - I’ll enable that right now :slight_smile:

oh, and can you remove D I C K from the censor list. It keeps screwing up my e-mails…


j e d i c k 1 @binghamton.edu

… :frowning:

lol, jub. what’s your real name anyway?

Jeff E****

And what the heck… I was so confused when I saw your user name in here… I wasn’t aware that you changed it…


Jeff E D I C K


hehe, i was hoping to change everything and see who notices and who doesn’t.



Why did you change it Thor :frowning:

Thoriphes was like the best name EVER!!!

hehe, i kinda got tired of it. i may or may not go back to that name. how bout you change your name to it and watch the forum go haywire. :slight_smile:

LOL, that would rock… but I like lostinbeta… I want to keep it… forever and ever and ever :love:


…get a room. :sigh:


Good idea :trout: :stuck_out_tongue: :beam: :wink:

You aint cool unless you pee in yo pants. . . . .and change you forum name!

I guess im half cool… :frowning: … brb gotta throw pants in washer.

Good thing I don’t wanna be cool :stuck_out_tongue:

Shane man… you got your wish. :slight_smile:

**HE TOPIC SO KIRUPA DOESN’T MISS IT!!)#_%$_)%#@_)%$#_)%)_%@


could you please change the censors so they don’t **** out my last name! remove D I C K from the list. Everytime I type in my e-mail address it gets ****'ed so people are trying to send emails to je****1@binghamton.edu … :frowning:

there is a flaw in the censor…


quite tedious, but you get it.

hahaha thats awesome. never realized that…

…so fuck, shit, bitch, whore, etc…