What the hell is this?


What is that?! I’m confused…


“Selected user names of the Flash forum Kirupaforum”

yeah that is so weird… I was searching the web for my user name… apparently Jubba is a river/valley somewhere in asia… but yea… i came across that…

it appears to be an old kirupa forum member list.

i found bcogswell11, liveaccoustic, dan4885, I am not Jubba, Iammontoya, ilyaslamasse, and even someone named phil jayhen…

well I realize that… lol, but what the hell is it doing there???

yay Im not on the hitlist!

what the…?

hm… fanatic fansters… :stuck_out_tongue:

perhaps its a list of potential threats to national security…

ne neither… phew

Yeah that list is from the old EzBoard days… but i don’t understand…

on their homepage. it says ‘now you can name everything, even things that havent been invented yet.’… maybe those are some suggestion for products names :beam:

*Originally posted by ahmed *
**on their homepage. it says ‘now you can name everything, even things that havent been invented yet.’… maybe those are some suggestion for products names :beam: **

I know Id buy a “Phil Jayhan” if I had the chance to!

that sounds like some sort of “lubrication” to me…

“Put some Phil Jayhan on that wheel, it’s squeaking something fierce.”



…howd you find that anyway jubba? I think Ill google senocular and see what comes up =) probably just a bunch of forum posts haha :-\

i searched google for “Jubba kirupaforum” and that was one of the results…

lol I found mostly posts with senocular but I found a few cool things like senocular helping with bug fixes etc - but my favorite was this:

It’s no longer necessary to have a cable connection while viewing these images.
(I’ve had some complaints from non-cable users about lag)

ah, its nice to be influential :wink:


This is incredibly weird.

Heres the list in English…


then click on “Words a Dozen”, then “Names used by visitors of the Flash forum Kirupaforum”

Weird… I guess they planned on stealing peoples names for products without names or something. Thats kind of ignorant if you ask me :angry:

its just a commentary on copyright and plagiarism - whos to say who owns any one word? Its like some recent depates with domain names where one ‘normal’ person might have the same name as a famous person but the famous person will take the lesser known person to court to get the site URL because their name is like a trademark for them. Kirupa member names is just one of many misc. examples of people claiming names to be their own. Who owns senocular? Do I? I use it all the time but that doesnt prevent anyone else from doing so. Can I stop them if they do? Does my use and the reputation I have with this name give me any legal right to its use? The boundries are fairly blurred.

Uh oh… do I feel an “ordered” conversation coming on :q:
