Re: Early Stages of development

Whats up! Ok, so now that the formalities are out of the way, lets get down to business. I am in the early stages of development of my new site, and I have some questions for you.

1.) the top header, where i have that cloud type animation. I need a way to spice up the bland-whiteness of it. Any suggestions?

2.) The “Recent Projects” section, what do you think of the grass? If you look closely you will see animated grass strands that sway in the wind. these are placed randomly, and the number of grass strands is random too… refresh to see what I mean. What do you think of that?

3.) Any overall suggestions you can offer?

PS, preloaders aren’t made yet, so be patient please

[center][color=Red][size=7]- THE LINK -[/size]

[/color] [left]Also, animations will be jerky if you use Firefox, I’ll see what I can do later. Thanks