Read this and tell me i haven't gone mad

read this and tell me i haven’t gone mad

I think the punchline is that this article is listed under the Yahoo entertainment section…

Haha, i find it amusing :slight_smile:

ahahah! lol i get it (took a couple reads) thats funny!

Thats the legal system for you…


wow, i dunno how he’s gonna put that down on his next tax return…

soem get it, most dont :frowning:

LOL! That makes absolutely no sense.

***thinking of moving to australia

Thats why drugs thrive!! Tax break for drugs? thats sad… and shows the Austrailian Govt doesnt care about public saftey…

wow :stuck_out_tongue: sounds fun.

lol you guys:

Its funny cause its a real artical on politacal kinda stuff or news right? But in Yahoo its listed under the entertainment section, not news! get it?