Interesting Story

Especially for all you kids that were 5 when it hapenned.$$tablecontents.html

wow… I just wasted an hour and a half reading that story…

lol… I love it.

just goes to show that a clear conscious is worth about a million dollars. That’s good to know. I’m happy then that I’ve got one for a lot cheaper than he. I don’t think I would have given back the money. Of course neither do I think I’d have the @#%'s to do what he did in the first place.

good story. long… but good.

that was engrossing, I’m feeling inspired.

I knew that billions were different in America than in Britain, but surely 100, 000 isn’t a million over there is it?

you don’t wanna know how long i spent reading that :sleep:

it’s a good story, makes you smile =)

sorry… you’re right. I think I messed up because somewhere in there he says that he can tell his Grandkids that he did the right thing and gave back a million bucks. Of course I could just have read it wrong though. The total was something like 97K

yeah, I noticed he said that as well, but when you both did I got curious.

I wasted an hour reading that story… then I forwarded it to my co-workers, and I made THEM waste an hour…
… and it was all on taxpayers money…

When he said a million, he was exaggerating so that his kids would think him that much more … good.

personally, I think the man is a moron. He should’ve kept the money, and been less stupid. I should give back 90-something thousand dollars for NO REASON when I could drop my debt now and live a better life.
Instead, my business will now fail, and I’ll die miserable and regretful.

at the end he said he got sponsored and lived happily ever after…

i think he should have done whatever the hell he wanted with the money and wrote that stupid story in 1 page and not wasted 2 hours of my life.

no one twisted anyone’s arm to read it. If you got bored you should have stoped reading. lol.

you were entertained enough to finish the thing and then disapointed that he didn’t do what the rest of us would have. That’s not his fault.


omfg, i was on the hook for the whole time!!!

this is a really really good story, i HAVE to print this out…this guy is an excellent writer…i might even consider buying his books

he had me hooked and i simply couldn’t stop reading

god aislin this is the best post by you so far!!!

this page rocks

actually all of them do…god i’m gonna save this to my HDD in case something happens and he charges or something …i’m getting paranoid again…

this is an amazing amazing story…