Real challenge...cyclic algorithm in can I do this?


the case is as follows:

my program calculates

ax,ay -> using this variables -> vx,vy -> after that I calculate the little step that my mc will make, in other words I calc x,y position

ax = ((G * _root.satmass)/(r * r * r))*(_root.m2._x);
ay = ((G * _root.satmass)/(r * r * r))*(_root.m2._y);
vx += (_root.t * ax);
vy += (_root.t * ay);
//changing x and y coordinates
_root.m2._x += (_root.t * vx);
_root.m2._y += (_root.t * vy);

as you can see all depend on each other…but the problem is that after getting new x,y I want this x,y to be used to calculate next step!
fo every new coordinate I want new vx,vy ax ay!

I want a cyclic algorithm…but duno how to get along with flash MX

any help appreciated!
