I have created a blank flash document and followed the instructions on how to create a preloader but it doesn’t seem to work?
I created two keyframes on layer 1 and entered the AC which is displayed. I think created a new layer and placed a movie clip that has 100 frames in which I called the instance name “Loader”. I then created a dynamic text box that had the variable name “percentage”.
When I exported the movie clip all that happened was the loading bar filled up and then started again forever.
Testing preloaders is nuisancy. Try to get an image that has a decent file size (like an uncompressed image) and put it in the second frame of your file. Also put a stop command in the actions layer (the same layer you have your code in). Just make a blank keyframe and put this in it:
That will keep it from looping. If the image loads too fast when you test it and you can’t see your preloader, press Command and Enter at the same time (or CTRL Enter on PC) twice and it should load it slow enough for you to see if it’s working right or not.
I think so… i’ve never been to good with preloaders, try it and let me know. I’ve never done that tutorial so i’m not quite sure how exactly it’s set up to work.
It doesn’t seem to work. All that happens is when I Press control + enter it shows the picture and in the output box there is text appearing with the number 10
Ok i think i found the tutorial that your’e using. If its the ‘Percentage Preloader with Loadbar’ tutorial, it’s using two frames for the preloader and on the third frame is the content. If that’s the one you’re doing, put the image in the third frame, and put the stop(); command in the third frame. Make the first two frames as you originally had them. Tell me if that works. Sorry for the confusion.
Hmm I think you got it all down pat. Here’s the thing though even for people that use flash alot preloaders can be a hassle. I took me for ever to get the concept of preloaders specially as there about a million tutorials out there for all different types.
Dont get discourage keep at it. It help if you know what the code actually does and means, I found this was my biggest problem I really didnt understand what the code was doing, I was just copy,pasting code. Study the code and always read the parts at the end where they explain what the code means and actually does.
I know it can get fustrating but keep at it you’ll get it!
Thanks for the support guys! Does anyone now if there is a list of all the commands and what they actually do?
If so could you lead me to it as this would help me out a lot!
Also I have this code which you place in a blank FLA and when you run it and press anything on the keyboard it gives you the assigned number for that key.