
I banned his smart-aleck little man, big ego self tonite, for calling me an *****hole in this thread:

Now mind you, if anyone wants to trip over the button, and let him back in, I won’t say anything. I’m not even angry with him, but I won’t let him get away with calling anyone profane names either.

I guess I’m saying … do I suspend his sentence in a day or 2?



Just wondering, is it a temp ban for RMB or a permanent one? I am just curious for, from past experience, he will bug me on IRC or wherever he gets a chance for more info :)[/size]

EDIT: Nevermind. RMB just registered, rmb is…redmirrorball and you said you’ll unban him once he acknowledges your post :slight_smile:

Kirupa :beam:

K, can you pls tell redmirrorball to stop reporting unnecessarily?
gets on my nerves. not his job to manage posts…

Yeah - I’ll PM him :bad: