Does anyone know of a good way to reduce the size of a Flash movie? Or of a good program that can do this? The important thing is that I want to maintain good JPG quality.
I have a flash movie made up of many photo galleries - the .swf file is approximately 5.5 MB so it takes a little while to download.
Any help would be greatly appreciated…thanks!
There is not a program that compress swf.
You may want to check the total size of your jpgs
If you can delete anything from your library but not much else.
If you have placed them all in your library and on the main timeline that is the problem.
You should have loaded the jpgs externally. They are many tutorials on how to do that. Or if your design has got sections at least splitt the movie in chunks.
Good luck
why dont you try loading images so your main swf goes down in size, since you dont want to reduce the size of your jpegs… by this at least your main page will load quick and then the images will individually dont take long to load… and the user wont have to wait till your entire movie loads