redViper - Custom 404 Pages Tutorial Error?

When trying out the tutorial about custom 404 pages by redViper, I noticed that on my server, the name .HTACCESS did not work, but .htaccess did. On UNIX and Linux servers filenames are case sensitive, and it seems that this also applies to .htaccess.

So … I’ll ask Kirupa to change it, with your OK.

Hey Voetsjoeba,

I am trying to build a .htaccess error page on my site and it is giving me a in 500 Internal Server Error. Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong? I am ruinnin Apache/1.3.27

I have no clue … it’s kinda new to me as well.

I’m using apache as well, and I was able to do it just fine… shouldn’t be any problems…
what OS? Does the server work okay otherwise?

hey SeiferTim,

Yeah, it should work fine. But I cannot get the to work. The server runs great.

I can show you my file to see if I messed it up. I is giving that inturnal error.

It may not be the file, but more something that your doing wrong elsewhere… go ahead and attach it, I’ll try to look when I get off work…

Thanks SeiferTim,

I am not going to attach the file cause I know that it is right. I looked at my server discription. And it say’s (".htaccess override: .htaccess files allow site owners to set special characteristics about there site using a simple file. .htaccess can be used to create custom error pages, change CGI execution parameters, make directories indexable, and a plethora of other functions. More information is available at the Apache website.") I looked there and it was all over the place. I know that it can be done. I think maybe that I am putting in the wrong directory. I have in my html folder. Thanks