ReferenceError: Error #1065

I am dealing with an OOP mess that I have been able to largely resolve, but recently when I added a few sound variables into the script I am getting the two following errors

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Icon is not defined.
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable FLVPlayback is not defined.

I have used the FLVPlayback component a few times in this website. But I have no idea what this Icon is. I am using two external libraries - Tweenlite and Away 3D.

I traced back the edit that is causing the error.

  1. I declare a new sound variable -> private var track2:Sound; **-> does not cause any errors

  2. I instantiate it in a private method called by the constructor -> track2 = new Sound(); -> does not cause any errors

  3. I ask track2 to load in a new sound -> track2.load(new URLRequest(“bike_intro.mp3”)); ->** this is what causes the error**

The compiler gives no hints as to what exactly is the problem and I don’t see how loading in a new sound is associated with FLVPlayback or what this Icon is? I did some research and figured out that this error pops up if you don’t declare
your classes as Public. I have declared all my classes as public and above all I don’t have a class called Icon.

All this is happening in a document class. I am using player 10.0.2 and using flash to compile but writing my as3 code in flash builder 4.

Can someone please help me with this? This came up now when the deadline is hanging on my head. Please help