lol, i have about 30 passwords for diffrent things. it sometimes takes me days to find them:P
the password is swordfish
the password is W+H^4r$n@!345.34#*
lol that was my old password=) :-\
another great movie…
mmmmmm… Halle Barry… ::drooooool::
i totally agree. wooohoo i got a pause buttton=)
the guy from who wants to be a millionaire? =)
i dont know why, but i feel the password is… apurik… Took me several week to decipher with all my friends working at the NSA…
I dunno… The think the real password is
But… Rev… I love that footer. San Francisco and an earthquake
thanks Marlin…
just sorta came to me late last nite…
only 10k as well!
hey, so what’s going to happen to all the people who registered within the last 5 days?
that’s going to suck for them…
Oh well they will deal accordinly… If they really wanted registered here they will re-register again… Plain and Simple.
As for the footer though… When you mouse out make it so your ext is regular again…
yeah, I still have to work on it a bit… still have 5k to play with…
yah I really like it to Rev - but the text is kinf of hard to read. Everytime I mouse over it it reminds me of the worldseries back when I was in grade 6 between the A’s and Giants… Crazy stuff.
thanks Tuknuk…
BTW - ask phil how cold it is in Chicago today (20 F)
and it was 1989… I will never forget that couple of months… We lost the WS, and the bridge fell down…
where you effected at all man? like anyone you know get hurt? I remember it being a pretty bad situation…
I dont mean to pry or anything - just the memory of it really is flooding back.
Grade 6 was a long time ago
I was at home, playing my video game, waiting for the World Series to start. The only damage was that Phredd (our goldfish) almost came out of the bowl (I had to grab him) and a wine bottle broke. Then again, that was 6 months after I left my wife so I didn’t have much to break…lol…
the apartment complex had a couple probs, but mainly everything except the bridge and the freeway was overblown by the press…
4 houses caught fire in the Marina, and you’d think the entire town burned down…
i heared about that on tv. they had a special on it this weekend:)
Exaclty. The newspapers around here made it sound like you guys were on your way into the ocean! Well I am happy to hear it wasnt as bad as it was made out to be!