62 people died. almost all of them on the Cypress Freeway when it collapsed (5:18 PM). It would have been a lot higher, except everyone in the Bay Area was home watching the WS…
the day baseball saved lives…
62 people died. almost all of them on the Cypress Freeway when it collapsed (5:18 PM). It would have been a lot higher, except everyone in the Bay Area was home watching the WS…
the day baseball saved lives…
huh? what bridge fell down?
I never heard that this happened… what year was this?
Oakland San Francicso Bay Bridge…
thanks Philbo
huh? wait, i am confused, how does a goldfish leaping outta a bowl get to the Series? was there an EQ or somethinG? but i LOVE the footer!
1989 dipi…
and thanks…
Wow Rev - that is a lot of people that passed away.
You are right though - baseball did save a lot of lives that day.
Did you know that the very first baseball game ever played was about 7 min from my front door
(you probably didnt know that because you dont know where I live - but still…)
sure i was in Cooperstown just last summer! and rev i was born in late Sept. 1989 so i know nothing bout that year…
I would love to go to cooperstown someday. Baseball is such a great sport - I used to love watching and playing it, but now only playing it. It has become way to boring to watch - catching thehighlights are nice though
yeah its really cool there! but with our fast paced world baseball is a slow paced game…thats why it get kinda boring to watch. i watch my Yank’s though =) although i am closer to Boston…but 1918 was the last Series win, and i hate their fans and their players…:bad:
Holy sheot I feel old!!! You were born in '89??? Oh my geezus! /me falls over…
baseball is the perfect spectator sport. You can do a multitude of things while watching the game. Try doing anything during the last 2 min of an NBA game (which still takes 45 min to play for some odd time and space phenom)…
In 1993 I went to 60 games at Candlestick… I still haven’t paid for a game at Pac Bell… it’s just a shopping mall in which they play baseball… I do go and watch thru the right field fence for free tho…
Rev I agree with going to the games - I love the atmosphere at the stadium, but watching the games on Television, I just cannot do it anymore. I used to watch every Jays game whenever they were on, but I cannot do it now. Like I said though - going to the game is a different story - I love the feel of the ball park.
I think the best stadium I have ever been to was the old Detroit one, just knowing all the history there - it was great.
hehe, so this means i made 100+ posts in teh lsat 5 days?
you did who with the what now?
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**1989 dipi…
and thanks…
Rev **
My grandma was on that bridge I’m famous
looks like i am going to do a bit of research…:pirate:
after a good game of Live though!
i keep my passwords nioce adn simple. for every single thing my passowrd is password. noone ever thinks of it. except…****
i got 2 passwords. but i know where i use what, so its no big deal…
I often use randomly generated password I get by default from somethings. Like even now I use a password I got from an angelfire account I set up like 6-7 years ago - just a mash of letters and numbers, but Ive found a way to easily remember them so its good
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