Somebody or somethiing plz help …spent 2-3days on this problem and cant solve it…go to >>>
to download my index.fla file and take a look in it…
Somebody or somethiing plz help …spent 2-3days on this problem and cant solve it…go to >>>
to download my index.fla file and take a look in it…
You didnt tell us what the problem was …?
your subject heading doesnt tell anyone browsing the boards what this is about
most people arent going to go to the trouble of going to that site and downloading the file:
_a) especially having to bother with a password
_b) not knowing how big or complicated it is
_c) and not even knowing what to look for
your best bet is to specifically narrow down your problem to something specific and then posting the code involved with a detailed to fairly detailed explanation, or with posting a sample (simple) fla which outlines the problem specifically without other complications which it doesnt involve.
…if you’re lucky and someone is feeling adventurous/generous you might get a responce, but then again you might not
Hi seno. Thanks for replying. Well its so strange let me tell you. I have a first movie which has a enter (to main menu) function and it has a preloader on the first scene. So it doesnt works out when it was uploaded to the site. It doesnt work well coz it seems to struck at loading. Till you have to right clicked it to forward the movie! Can you please check this for me i will uploaded it here a small file. Help me to check twhy the loader seems not working. (such as automatically proceed to the next scene)
Thanks a million!
ps : this file is supposed to be the index.html where it will load the main meun(movie) into it. :cowboy:
well you can go to and u will koe what i meant m8. help me to examine loading part.
#1- Why is that FLA empty except for a loadMovie Command? What is hte point of that? It doesn’t do anything… unless you are going to load and unload other SWFs… but still the point of that is lost on me…
#2- Since index.fla is empty except for that loadMovie command then the problem must lie in main.swf. Post the code you are using for the preloader.
bytes_loaded = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;
_root.loadBar._width = getPercent100;
_root.loadText = Math.round(getPercent100)+"%";
if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) {
what ActionScript is in frame 2 and frame 3?
try this:
bytes_loaded = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;
_root.loadBar._width = getPercent*100;
_root.loadText = Math.round(getPercent*100)+"%";
if (bytes_loaded >= bytes_total) {
Here is the code that I always use:
nTotal = getBytesTotal()/1000
nLoaded = getBytesLoaded()/1000
nPercent = Math.round((nLoaded/nTotal)*100)
nRemain = Math.round(nTotal - nLoaded)
if (nRemain<= 0 && nLoaded != 0){
if(length(nPercent) == 1){
nPercent = "0"+nPercent
} = nPercent
nRead = nPercent+"%"
THere might be something that I am missing in your code…
(frame2) gotoAndPlay(1);
(frame 3) stop();
tats all
Thanks m8 anyway i’ll try with your code…
Aston, I told you how I fixed your problem in your other thread.
It worked great for me after I fixed it and I told you exactly what I did to fix it.
Hi beta. I saw it. Hehe.
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