[RegExp]: Matching All

So I was toying with the new RegExp stuff and low and behold it only matches the first instance and there’s no flag to turn on match all? Atleast nothing I could find… if there is someone tell me otherwise the below will get every match and put them into an array

var input:String = getInput(5); // input string
var output:Array = new Array(); // output array
var pattern:RegExp = /[A-Z]+/g; // match all uppercase strings only

// loop through them all we avoid recursion by not putting this in a function but also only run it as needed
var i:int = 0;
while(i < input.length)
    var match:Object = pattern.exec(input);
    if(match !== null)
        i = pattern.lastIndex-1;

// trace matches that are now in an array

// provides a set number of HELLO all caps that the regex will match while putting in filler copy to ignore as well
function getInput(len:int):String
    var output:String = "";
    for(var i:Number = 0; i < len; i++)
        output += "HELLO"+i+" filler crap copy";
    return output;

Enjoy :slight_smile: