hey there guys ! you know that registration thing when you convert an object into a movie clip? those little boxes… heh… well… i just wanna know… what do they stand for? :azn:
Ok so say you want to rotate something…Those act as the axis. And if you say:
MC._x = _root._xmouse
Then you’re saying the MC’s x axis is equal to whatever the mouse’s x value is.
So the question is, which point of the MC is equal to the mouses x axis (top left, top right etc.). These little boxes define this. Get it? yes? good
EDIT: my 1001th post
:-\ hmm… sounded like it made a lot of sense. but i still dont get it. lol
remember, i AM a doofus… lol please speak in my language… hehehe
i get it a bit now tho…
They are the centrepoint of your symbol. They come in handy when moving, scaling or rotating objects with actionscript. If you write some actionscript that tells an object to rotate, it will rotate around the registration point of the symbol.
Likewise, if you have ever seen a bar style preloader, the bar is scaled using actionscript, based on the percentage of the movie that has loaded. Most bar preloaders go from left to right. The bar is a movieclip with its registration point to the left. if the registration point was in the middle, it would grow in both directions.
The registration point is also for using the loadMovie and attachMovie methods. When you use a loadMovie action to load a movie into a placeholder on the stage, the registration point of the loaded movie clip lines up with the top right hand corner of the placeholder.
ooooooooooooooooooh !!! :p: thanks