Registration point?

Yeah i’m completely new to flash and was taking the first few basic tutorial. What exactly is the registration point? I dont really understand that.

also I like this site, but are there any more good tutorials that you would recommend for a flash beginner? and what would be good book for me to get? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

thank you


registration point

originally posted by lostinbeta
12-08-2002 Editing an instance’s registration point in MX

The registration point according to Actionscript is created when you create your movie clip.

After you hit f8 and open up the symbols panel, you will see a block with 9 squares in it, each of those squares are clickable and allow you to edit where you want your registration point to be.

If you edit it with the free transform tool, that just edits it for things you do like rotating it with the free transform tool and such.

originally posted by lostinbeta
11-15-2002 Dont understand this

The center point is called the registration point.

When you turn your item into a symbol, in the panel where you can select what type of symbol (mc, button, or graphic) there is a block of 9 squares, each of these squares represents a spot where you can adjust the registration point


don’t know … i don’t have any