
It just occurred to me that this topic isn’t all that relevant due to the “rules” laid out by whomever started it:
“state your beliefs and do not in any way remark on anybody elses beliefs”

Look, we all know that folks all over the world practice hundreds of disparate religions–Taking a poll without analyzing–and commenting–on the data is without merit. Remarking on others’ beliefs is the one thing that could lead to relevance.

Otherwise we may as well ask what everyone had for breakfast this morning. I had Fruity Pebbles. ****ed if those things aren’t the most delicous cereal ever.

the person who started the thread was probably just curious as the to the religious break dwon of the population of the message board. If you desperately want to start a thread where you analyze and discuss religion start a new thread. Just be careful what you ask for… you just might get it…

And another thing–Who writes the text-screening software for these forums? And why the, um, ‘heck’ can’t I write “dam - n”? What if I said “so-and-so was ****ed to Hell by God” (that’s a little test for my benefit). I’ll bet you can’t say *** either. What a jip.

Anything that is relavent to a discussion can be portrayed in a mature manner without using any curse words. Any words that are edited out were added to the database by Kirupa.

Yeah, I know–I think I was just lamenting the fact that I signed up and posted to a forum that wasn’t worthy of my brilliant input. And now I’ve gone and posted again. ****!