I voted for #3 - only because I dont think it’s fair to delete all the polls that people have already voted on. We just have to have some standards set is all.
This is a fun place and you should be scared to post any thing - you should just think about it before you post it. Common Sence goes a long way…
I think the man is just getting some frustration out.
You have to admit - this place hasnt been “as fun” as it was about 2 or 3 months ago. It’s still a great place but the random section is becoming more and more non random - it’s becoming pretty darn predictable.
i hear you on this one. i can see poll that have meaning behind it, not something that is asking how cool or what do you think of my new paper clip type of things.
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**lately there has been an outbreak of 10yr old antics…
come on people… this is not Romper Room.
Please, before all of the cool people leave for good…
Rev **
i agree, some people are getting frustrated with all of the useless things that have been posted. I can tell that some members just dont even want to come back to random. Its a fun place guys, but hey, the usless threads have to stop some where…
The point is that this place is getting out of hand and this was just made to prove a point. Stop with the stupid threads and post things that are fun and entertaining - not because you are board and don’t know what else to do.
*Originally posted by Kajinku *
**OK, I admit some of them are stupid, but nobody is forcing you to read them. Don’t like, don’t click, don’t read. Simple, no? **
No. This kind of stuff makes you wade through pages of useless bored garbage, just to try to find a fun thread, or useful thread. There are several “regulars” that don’t hang out anymore just because of immature little brats that don’t play well with other adults…
I’m not picking on anyone in particular, let’s just stop it now, okay?