remember when searching as3 + anything resulted in endless code samples

I guess all those websites and blogs are just gone.

years back I would search as3 + gravity, platformer, buoyancy, rope, slopes… always would find small physics experiments already coded ready to learn from.

there was a ton of stuff scattered around the web that would be great to reference, even if using another language.

Anyway over the years I saved a lot of those experiments I had found, maybe some day we all dump our old as3 code samples here, or somewhere

Kirupa’s still here! But yeah. I remember when this was #1 on Google for “image pan” for many years.

I have some stuff saved too, but mostly it’s SWFs not source files.

thats good though, can probably decompile to at least get the core mechanics out if something, if needed. im to lazy though at the moment but Id like to go through my hard drive see what I have

It is pretty sad when searching Google anymore, most things are sadly like they never existed, or long gone no where to be found. I have 200+ gigs of Flash experiments, research, samples. Maybe something will come in handy one day in Adobe Animate CC (formally Flash)?

All of those research, samples, and experiments may not be useful in their original FLA form, but the things you learned from them can be transferred over to something more modern. So much of what people are doing with HTML these days is reinventing what was done in Flash much earlier. All of your previous Flash work might come in handy in the future - even if you don’t convert them! :stuck_out_tongue:

I truly hope so, I still find uses for it in creative ways as tears well up to that which once was.

Yeah, it’s been hilarious to see things redone from a decade+ ago, acting as if it’s something new. But then again you see this with virtually every language, its rather comical yet sad really. Originality is rather hard to come by anymore in most things.

I saw the below mentioned on another site the other day and it reminded me of this thread. I am not a real fan of stock sites of any kind but I found it to be interesting, regarding the disappearance of more Flash content on the inter-webs.

activeden - Flash Content - Closing its Doors:

“Everyday the world gets a little less Flashy.” © :no_mouth: