Remoting Questions

I’m using FlashMX and ColdFusionMX and I have a question about remoting. How do you cycle through different functions within the CFC without opening up a new connection in Flash?

For example … if I connect to my CFC in Actionscript like this:

//this is the connection
var sectionName = "home";

if(isGatewayOpen == null){
	isGatewayOpen = true;

gw = NetServices.createGatewayConnection();
server = gw.getService("cfcDir.home", this);

and use this connection to populate my Flash:

//populating dynamic text field
function getAbout_result(result){
	textString.text = result.items[0].content; // via "home.cfc"

…how would I then reference a second function within the same CFC without having to repeat the first step? I can no longer use “function getAbout_result(result)” because it applies to a different function. Let’s say my second function within the CFC looks like this:

[color=silver]<!--- send back the variable "imageDirectory" --->[/color]
<cffunction name="getDirectory" access="remote">
	<cfset imageDirectory = "myImages">
	<cfreturn imageDirectory>

How would I return this variable, “imageDirectory” back into flash?

I’m confused. :hr: