Removing hit enemies and Platforms

okay, at the moment, i’m trying to make a game, and i’ve accomplished a fair amount for being a n00b, alot of the tutorials here and really useful, but somethings have eluded me. For instance, though i found an awesome tutorial, and now have jumping and gravity, i lack the ability to create a platform, for which my character to jump upon. I also lack the ability to remove a movie clip from the scene, for when my character (BlackMageWalk) hits Enemy with a Lightening. Though I have no code for platforms that works, heres what i have so far for my enemy

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Lightning, hitTest(_root.Enemy)) {;
if (this = _alpha = 0) {


That return blankspace is where i’ve been trying a combination of removeMovieClip, and delete, but i can’t seem to figure it out. any help with this would be appreciated