Alright, well I know theres a lot of hardcore Photoshop Gurus here, so Im requesting some help :x I have this image Im trying to get logos off, without ruining the shading… Its uploaded here, also, an image (hope its not too big…)
The logo that looks like a Wolf, and the back scratches I would like erased, and the shading and whatnot to be the same. Ive linked you to the .png file for this, also, theres another file youll need to get, so incase you dont want it, Id suggest you make a copy of you Photoshop folder (if your going to take this on) and install the fix in that folder. The link to the fix is here:
i swear i saw someone do this in these forums…i forget who, eilsoe? well i cant help on the account that i suck with manip but somone might come and pick it up
That was me, on my other name, Oblique, lol :thumb: Im still having problems with this, even since way back whenever I first brought it up. **** my unl33t skillz, **** them all to hell.
Yeah, the origional file was pasted in the first post, down near the bottom, the .png file. I couldnt quite understand what you posted, but, if you need it changed, I can maybe do so and upload another one.
Yes, I know, thats why I suggested you downloading the .png fix that I have linked in my first post on here. Once you install that into your Photoshop folder, open it with Photoshop and itll be fine.
Oh yeah, I hate to be picky and not sound greatfull or whatever that word may be, but you see the little lines on the chest and all over the main armour section? :o Please, try not to delete those, you do this, I’ll :love: you forever.