Resetting all variables?

I don’t know if this is possible…

is there a command that resets all variables to their original position/ number? There’s a bunch of variables in my game… and at the end I want the option to replay. But if you play right through the game again everything will be messed up.

ah… if not I’ll just tell people to X the window and reload it…


Wouldnt your variables be set at the start of the game, so when you reply you can just go to that point , and it will go back to the start.

that’s the thing… this is the first game I programmed and it’s pretty sloppily done. It’s not a little mini game either, it’s a long adventure game I’ve been working on for months. I call for all kinds of variable whenever I need them, make them up, etc etc. I have at least 50 or so variables. I could never find them all… and if I did, some need to stay as a variable with no number attatched to it to start with

wouldnt be able to help you with games in flash, though maybe playamarz can help you , you should pm him or send him a email about the problem.
