Resident Evil 2 Apocalypse

Well as most of you know im a movie freak and i go to the theater almost 3 times a week, anyways last night was the opening of Resident Evil 2 over here on the island and went to see this fantastic movie with a few co workers and my GF.

First of all i can’t tell you guys how happy i am with this movie its definitely better than the first, and its truer to the game in terms of story and characters, they mix a bit of Resident Evil Nemesis and Resident Evil 2 but its all good and i can already predict what might happen next but we can talk about this after a few people see it and post opinions.

What it really comes down to is that this is one of the years best action movies for sure, the action is nonstop and the story has so many twists and turns that it even puts us die hard fans of the game to think what will happen next.

Go watch this movie i highly recommend it even if your not a fan of the game you will enjoy it, i know im going to see it 5 more times :crazy:

most people hated the first but I actually like it :stuck_out_tongue: nice to know this one is better, cant wait to see it :hugegrin:

yeah i saw it tonight and It Rocked!!

I might go see this one, I though the first one was pretty funny. Especially in the little laser room when the guy got the laser grid through him and everyone thought he was alive and then he just… fell apart. That was corny and funny. So if the second one has funny parts like that I might juts have to see it.

I am a huge fan of the game series, and I thought the first movie was pretty good. So, it the 2nd is better, I will definitely have to see it.

It definitrely has some funny moments which add a little humor to the movie and doest distract you much from the actual sotry of the movie.

I really recommend you see this movie its kick***** :thumb:

Thank god i was a bit skeptical of watching this one so thanks :beam: overall you say the movie pwnd and when you say it pwnd i believe it really pwnd