The Movie : 28 Days Later


As you might of known, I’ve been vacationing in the beutiful state of Florida! And while sitting in the Hilton hotel with my cousin, we decided to buy some movies… 4 movies to be exact. And our last movie, we saw at around 1 AM, was “28 Days Later”. Now, after watching this movie at 1 am, I pretty much pissed my pants.
This movie, is so scary, so awsome, so ridiculous, I love it. That movie is by far, the best of the best, motion picture film ever.
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not a huge fan of horror movies, and so when I ordered it, I was like “Ah what the heck, why not”. And well, that movie really gave me a whole another perspective on the horror genre.
Now, one of my most favorite characteristics of the film, is in the begining, and through out the film, it seems the director used a lower-quality camera. This definetly added a dramastic effect to the scene.
What do you guys think of it? Or what other horror movies have you seen that are good.
(I was actually thinking about buying “Cabin Fever”, but looked “cheesy”) thx +_+


I saw it a while ago…definitely not what I expected it to be but it was still a great movie

Has anyone seen the previews for dawn on the dead? From what I’ve seen in the previews it looks like it could be the same type.

gotta stop, Avs game is starting

“28 Days Later” how old is this ? I don’t recall having seen it but your not the first person on here to say it is good.

“Mute witness” was a good horror/thriller although it’s got to be 5years old now……

Without giving to much detail way, what was 28 days about ?

I saw it last year, and yes it’s cool :slight_smile:

Just kidding, I only saw it recently too and thought it was good.

I was sitting playing chess with my cousin the other day and “The Ghost Ship” comes on on TV. Right at the beginning of the movie there’s a ball on the ship. And a metal wire that was holding something comes off… and flies throught the whole dancefloor… literally cutting everyone in half…

I just thought that was the craziest and most awesome idea one could put in a movie… I almost felt as if it cut me too… :d:

literally cutting everyone in half…

Heh, You just knew something wicked was about to happen too. That was a freaky scene, and I never did watch the rest of that movie… somthin came up I guess?

As for 28 Days, I must be the only person that didnt care for that movie. The first ten minutes I thought were good and then it just kind of fizzled out for me.

On the other hand I really liked UnderWorld and nobody I know seems to feel the same way. I mean come on, Kate Beckinsale as a vampire in tight leather with automatic machine pistols! How can anyone NOT like this movie?

*Originally posted by ditchhopper *
Heh, You just knew something wicked was about to happen too. That was a freaky scene, and I never did watch the rest of that movie… somthin came up I guess?

The interesting thing is that I wasn’t watching closely, just glancing every 10-15 seconds, you know, and it was kind of unexpected for me too just like for those in the movie :slight_smile: That’s why it was very impressing.

I really liked it. One of the scariest things was seeing Parliament Square in London just deserted… Anyone who’s ever been there will tell you that is jus plain spooky.

I also appreciated the fact that the soldiers in it were very believable. No offense, but American soldiers in films just **** me off, constantly waving big guns around, with a shoot first ask questions later attitude. These guys were more of the stiff upper lip persuasion and realistic. :slight_smile:

Ghost ship didn’t do it for me… It had some neat effects and nasty moments, but I just didn’t care for it.

Cabin fever… meh… seen it, fell asleep.

28 days later… haven’t seen it yet :thumb:

I actually looked forward to seeing Underworld… but as ditchhopper sid, it kinda fizzled out for me.


on the other hand, I loved Dreamcatcher, despite most people hated it :slight_smile: