Resize color effect problem!

well, i have a nice clean code with a box and 3 buttons above it which resizes and changes color smoothly…the butttons follow the box position but i have a little problem…you see,when the movie loads and i press the first button the buttons moving about 10 pixel up and 20 pixels left…!!!but then when i press the other buttons they follow the box normally… :|i will attach the fla to see what i mean…if you could help me i 'd appreciate that…
thanx again…
ohh… here is the code that i use

var speed = 10;
function resizeTo(w, h, rn, gn, bn) {
        main.onEnterFrame = function() {
                //Color change variables
                red = (rn-r);
                blue = (bn-b);
                green = (gn-g);
                //reposition the "menu" (contains your buttons)
                mw = (w-this._width)/speed;
                mh = (h-this._height)/speed;
                //if these objectives have been met...
                if (Math.abs(mw)<0.5 and Math.abs(mh)<0.5 and
                Math.abs(red)<.5 and Math.abs(blue)<.5 and Math.abs(green)<.5) {
                        //...set the colors to their final values.
                        myColor = new Color(main);
                        menuColor = new Color(menu);
                        newColor = {rb:rn, bb:bn, gb:gn};
                        //...set the width and height to their final values.
                        this._width = w;
                        this._height = h;
                        //...set the "menu" MC on it's final position.
                        menu._x = _root.main._x+_root.main._width/2-menu._width;
                        menu._y = _root.main._y-_root.main._height/2-menu._height;
                        //Delete the "onEnterFrame" event handler,
                        // because it is no longer needed.
                        delete this.onEnterFrame;
                        //If those objectives have NOT been met...
                } else {
                        //...ease the colors towards their new values.
                        r += red/speed;
                        b += blue/speed;
                        g += green/speed;
                        myColor = new Color(main);
                        menuColor = new Color(menu);
                        newColor = {rb:r, bb:b, gb:g};
                        //...ease the width and height towards their final values.
                        this._width += mw;
                        this._height += mh;
                        //...reposition the "menu" MC on top of the "main" MC.
                        menu._x = _root.main._x+_root.main._width/2-menu._width;
                        menu._y = _root.main._y-_root.main._height/2-menu._height;
menu.bt1.onPress = function() {
        resizeTo(300, 250, 255, 0, 0);
menu.bt2.onPress = function() {
        resizeTo(500, 300, 0, 255, 0);
menu.bt3.onPress = function() {
        resizeTo(300, 300, 0, 0, 255);

maybe you can fix it without looking the fla…
the fla is saved in flash mx 2004