Resize containerMC for external loaded swf

i just using resize loaded external pic which is i got from this forum…for my external swf…but it won’t work…so my question is…is there any thread for this or tutorial…

thanks u in advanced

aii scotty again…hah…sorry coz always bugging u…but i really got minor problem…
in my external swf i place preloader itself…so when i load into container it seems not first place…or maybe it can’t use alpha property setting…i attached the fla for ur view…anyone can help too… =)

It works, more or less…
But why don’t you put the preloader in your mainfile, so have you have one for all your external movies?


u mean put the preloader in the main and just using it for the whole my external swf…emm…i’ll try it…tq anyway sir…:slight_smile:

I just hit CTRL+ Enter once only and just press the button to see either the preloader is working or not…
i just do it as u told sir… u can see the fla…

It’s working as it should:
Look here
