Resize Sprite

Hi guys,

I have a class that extends Sprite, in the constructor I do this:

surface=new BitmapData(100,100,true,0x00000000);
bitmap=new Bitmap(surface);

…so now I can use surface.copyPixels() for some fast blitting.

The thing is, I want to resize the whole thing dynamically.

This seems to work fine but is it safe ?

bitmap.bitmapData=new BitmapData(200,200,true,0x00000000);

…can I keep doing that ? I’m use to C(++) so it seems unsafe.

Also, it will not work if I replace bitmap.bitmapData with surface, like so:

surface=new BitmapData(200,200,true,0x00000000);

…which I don’t understand. Any help would be appreciated.
