I’ve got a portfolio that launches swfs embedded in html in new windows and sized accordingly. Here’s my call to javascript:
on (release) {
getURL ("javascript:NewWindow=window.open('swfs/Steve.html','newWin','width=597,height=220,left=400,top=200,toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=No,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No'); NewWindow.focus(); void(0);");
This works fine, unless the window has not been closed from a previous popup, and because they all target NewWindow, the content updates, but the window size remains the same. I know I could target a separate window for each popup, but would prefer to limit viewing to one at a time…
I have tried various methods such as adding NewWindow.resizeTo(597,220); to the javascript fuction in the getURL, and also putting a resizeTo in the html of the new page.
Strangely, as soon as I start using resizeTo, the size then seems to refer to the window frame, instead of just the content area. I’ve also tried using NewWindow.close(); before the open command in the javascript, and this works if NewWindow already exists, but will not create it if it doesn’t.
In a nutshell, each button needs to launch a popup window the size of the linked content, and if the window is already open with something else, the window should be resized accordingly.
I’ve searched endlessly on this and can’t help feeling it should be dead simple, but haven’t found much on this exact situation, so any help is appreciated!
Thanks - Dave