Resizing Flash Video

Hey Everyone,

This is something I have been wondering about for a long time, and really been working at but I’ve come up with nothing. I’ve noticed more and more sites recently done entirely in Flash that resize depending on the content. For example when using CSS/HTML etc. the browser scroll bar changes depending on how much content is loaded. When you use Flash, your constrained to the width/height of the movie, meaning every page, no matter how much more text or content it contains, has to fit within the same area. Your only choice is to use a scroll bar within the flash movie, which is not very design friendly if you ask me.

One of the sites of notices that resizes while apparently still talking content out of the same swf is Fantasy Interactive:

Another example is their blog

The important thing for me is that they can load their dynamic content and it stacks, utilizing the browser scroll bar which is much easier and obvious for users.

Any insite would be greatly appreciated.

Love, John Plisken