Reskin with multiple asset swcs using compiler options in Flash Builder


I’m building a game based on a UK TV show and have to reskin it for an international version which uses different game elements/logos etc. I have all the UK graphics coming from a ukLibrary.swc, with appropriate linkage on the symbols, and the designer has made me a new intLibrary fla that has the reskinned graphics.

Rather than use 2 code bases, I have added 2 compiler options to Flash Builder:


In the code I then use these to slightly alter other elements such as embedded bitmaps and so on.

My question is this: Is there any way that I can use these (or other compiler options) to only embed the graphics swc relevant to the build I am trying to compile - I want dont really want ukLibrary.swc and intLibrary.swc to both be in libs because it’s going to cause errors (probably) due to them having the same linkages in them, and I don’t really want to have to manually change this in the build paths each time.

I’m guessing I want a separate folder called ‘skins’ that has both swcs in it, but I only want it to include the correct one based on what compiler option I have as true.

Any ideas how to achieve this?