i’ve got a site i’ve designed at 1024x768. now, i’m working on a 800x600 screen myself, and know the frustration of seeing flash sites designed at higher resolutions that just DONT work well… for example, the movie will resize itself so small that the text becomes illegable, or the browser will not scroll the whole page, so that parts of the content, or navigation will not be visible (or even usable) at my little 800x600 sized screen.
so… i know that the browser scrolls my flash site properly when i test it on my machine, but how do i know the text wont get BIGGER/smaller when somebody at ahigher/lower resoloution views it? where do i take care of that? in the publish settings? and what should i choose so that the browser scrolls for us little guys, and the text doenst GROW and get bigger/smaller than its supposed to be, for those with higher/lower resoloution moniters?