Results: Alethos, Aldeon, & Kaotic

i dont think they will let you…

I’m for alethos.

…I didn’t vote for you in the abstract wallpaper (REALLY good, though)… but if you’re givin’ him a cheque… I want a cheque!

Oh, yeah, and somebody make a battle I can compete in. Cause I suck and all.
Call it ‘The Sucky Open’. Yeah. That’d work.

what kinda stuff do ya do
ill see if i can compete with ya :evil:

all the entries were really cool, but i had to vote for Altheos.

his entry was just more… powerful. IMO, the human spirit is something that is not portrayed here on the good-ole 'net often enough, and his entry managed to capture that (as well as having some great imagery and music).

All the entries were great, tho!

And btw, if we ever do a battle on tragedy, i’m in!! :wink:

i voted for Aldeon’s… i just love the name Dream Generator :beam:


Aww MAN, def my vote for Alethos!

Seeing as I have frequent dreams of my gf being unfaithful or leaving and sh*t, this really struck a nerve. :frowning:

But in a good way… sorta… dug up some old memories… but…

Plus Lorenna McKinnet is one of my fav singers. Love Dante’s Prayer!

Aww hell, Alethos, u got my vote, that was just too beautiful.

even tho the poll is closed…

Aww great, now I’m mad!!

Emotional flips… hate’em…

■■■■ memories…!!!

Gonna go make some evil smilie…

Disclaimer: By blinking, you agree to absolve Alethos and all associated parties of responsibility for the following, resulting from the playing, downloading, viewing, or simply hearing about Alethos’ entry into this battle: death; bodily harm; damage to personal property; loss of hearing; visual impairment and/or loss of sight; temporary insanity, anger, and/or rage resulting in any of the above; boredom; weight gain; FISS (Fist-In-Screen Syndrome); assassination of a political leader; war with a rival nation; world annihilation.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: