Results: Lostinbeta v Soul

Voting for this is now open.

Please cast your vote for the best piece of pixel art, based on the subject of The Seasons.

The winner will be either the first person to 30 votes, or whoever has the most votes by 10th January.

I’m going to refrain from voting in this one, since I’m “in charge”, but I’d like to say to both contestants that you’ve done fantastic work here.

Look at me, I’m gushing.

Good luck fellas.

Good luck Lost :beam:

I don’t know if it’s my comp, but I can’t view Lost’s piece, the link is dead so I’ll wait till I can take a look before voting. I did get to see Soul’s piece and it’s amazing, very conceptual. =)

hmmm … let me see … ok ok

soul … you’ve got my vote

it’s not your comp … I can’t see it either

but I voted because I saw lost’s entry earlier today

Ok I just saw Lost’s entry on the original battle thread and both are amazing to me because I suck arse with pixel art. I ended up voting for Soul’s entry since it’s so detailed. Great job guys. =)

Sorry about anyone not being able to view Lost’s entry - I’ve updated the link now so you should all be able to have a look at it. :slight_smile:


I don’t think I’ll be voting seen as I’m in the battle lol

  • Soul :goatee:

but the detail on Soul´s work is AMAZING!:o

Soul, you got my vote. Way to go!

I´m glad that Dan came up with this battle idea, that way we get to see such beatifull jobs made just for fun:)

I agree, battles are a great idea!

I would never have done anything to the theme of the seasons without battles and I guess that was Kits fault hehe, cheers Kit :beam:

Thanks for your vote Guig :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :goatee:

Soul… you gotta win this one, I love your entry.

Oh yeah: I want to go on record as a cheap attempt here and say that this is only my 2nd pixel art attempt. But that doesn’t matter because Souls entry makes me want to pass out and die, it is so great!

lost … yours isn’t bad either

but yes … soul’s entry is simply awesome. all those details … the colors … you gotta love it!!

nice work soul… very good !


i voted for soul… it’s amazing=)


Soul has my vote. I especially like the kid in blue buried in the snow bank! :slight_smile:

Great work!

I’ve just gotta know…

How long did it take you to make that Soul?!

Being pixel art… I’m guessing 6-8 hours… Wow… It’s impressive…

As for beta… Yours is also great… I chose Soul’s for the idea… More depth…

Still better than I can do with pixels… I don’t have the time to dela with em… And I would just get frustrated…

You should submit a cool park entry for KirupaVille on the main “random” section of the site Soul…

Peace Guys and Good Jobs

Hey, I want soul to win this, his is awesome.

I think if I did my original idea I would have gotten more than 1 vote, but no where near 20 like Soul has now.

But I will never reveal what my original idea was :bad: Just in case I decide to do it some other time in the future.

Me and lost decided to get owned in at least one battle, expect some ownage from us next time! :evil:

dont forget me!!!:rambo:

Owned Dan… no, I think I became someones beeyotch in this battle…LOL.

But yes… next time you and I will OWN ALL!!!

:bad: :bad: :bad: :evil: :evil: :evil: