Reviving Kirupa Merchandise

I would feel wierd sitting in class next to Kirupa wearing a shirt that said Kirupa :. I like the 3rd design best, I’m not a big polka dotty kinda guy.


I have a childhood buddy named Jory, whose family loved to get him radical clothing, only with his name on it (name brands, “in” items, etc.)… So all the while growing up, Jory (just do a google search, if you want the last name) always had a cool shirt on, but somewhere it always had his name… it became the neighborhood joke…

I rarely have anything with my name on it…


hehe… ok. I didnt want it to just say “” and that’s it… I wanted it to have an image or something reminiscent of the website…

you’re in class with kirupa?

On the back then, in the biggest, fattest, brightest letters you can find, have it say, “BEGINNER PROFESSIONAL”. Like the target audience for his book :).

haha… that’s good…

*Originally posted by RelandR *
**R-E-L-A-N-D-(E)-R… only the E is absent yet not silent

…don’t ask…:slight_smile: **



…you´re Mr. McLaud?? (-: