Kirupa shirts

hehe… last night I mentioned in 3 sentences to kirupa that he should sell shirts on his site… He said that he had to figure out how to do that (get a design, see how to ship them, etc.) I want to push this, and I think we should have a shirt design contest, and help kirupa figure out how to deal with the merchandise.
What do you guys think? Do you have any ideas? I would definitely buy a kirupa shirt… maybe a kirupa hat… or kirupa boxers… LOL

I saw that… but where do MOST of the profits go? to THEM?


i think I’d buy one! :slight_smile:

I mean, the profits should go to Kirupa… it’s HIS site… and maybe he could use it to make an established design group.

I’d buy one!!! :beam:

The profits may go to cafe express, but the publicity would go only to Kirupa.

Bigger user base, more … something. I dunno how it works here, exactly, but I’m sure a huge user base can generate cash.

Yeah! So lets start having a tshirt contest! I know you can make shirts online at (I made a shirt for my dorm floor through them a while back)… maybe you guys can make your drafts there… and post them here.

you’re a chatty lil bugger, aint’cha? LoL

I’ll think about it sometime.

it’d probably just be a couple pics of Phil Kirupa Shane and a few of the Tims, with a super-sized-senocular on the back.

yeah, I’m chatty…
there doesnt seem to be much interest in buying a shirt, only a couple of people :frowning:

shirts aren’t a good market. I have shirts. I have like a trillion shirts. I have so many shirts I accidentally carpet my floor with them (that’s a joke… one of you will get it… someday.)

Think of something new and innovative and you’ll always succeed.

Unless it sucks.:trout: :trout: :trout:

you know what would be really cool. if kirupa made a commercial about this site. that wouldbe soooooo cool=)

shirts aren’t a good market. I have shirts. I have like a trillion shirts. I have so many shirts I accidentally carpet my floor with them (that’s a joke… one of you will get it… someday.)

Think of something new and innovative and you’ll always succeed.
Thongs. Kirupa Forum thongs. That’ll impress the opposite sex. Especially if they have artistic pictures of Spam on them. Bras for Lost and Eilsoe (they like to ‘borrow’ them for reasons unknown). Underwear in general. Fill the niche market. :stunned:

And I get the carpet/shirts thing. I suffer a similar problem, only with all my clothes. There’s more on the floor than in the wardrobe I think.

well… I mean, I wasn’t approaching this whole shirt thing from a money making perspective… I’m approaching it from the idea of ‘hey, it’d be cool to have a kirupa shirt!’

the truth is out ther phil:P

well, I’m going to make a shirt… see if you guys like it.

kirupa, i can help desing shirts. i hvae 2 of my designs being printed over at

Lavaboy, thats a good idea. Id definately sport a Kirupa T-shirt, to proclaim my nerd-dom with pride… :nerd:

Perhaps we can use some of the designs from the Propoganda section. I could definately see the “Kirupa - Random Section Spam - Now with Phil Jayhan” T-shirt as a mover and a shaker…

On a seperate note: does anyone else’s computer start to lag when Lavaboy’s footer is shown, or is it only me?

my footer makes you laaaagggg??? :frowning:

yeah, you guys should totally post your ideas…