Reviving Kirupa Merchandise

Sup guys, I’m reviving the whole Kirupa Merchandise idea… some people mentioned that they would like to have kirupa hoodies, so I made some… check out these links…

first design

second design

third design

my favorite

tell me what you guys think…

if the dots were shades of maybe grays… i think the last one would be great


I like the last one with the color circles, but overall they look too plain without any kind of design on the back…:smirk:

Maybe we could slap on one of Edwin’s drawings, that would definitely be a selling item. =)

sure, whatever you guys want, as long as something HAPPENS…

I’m thinking of just uploading an image of kirupa’s header, but I kinda want it to blend in with the clothing… know what I mean?

i already have a design. it needs some modifications to fit kirupa but its workable

it’s pretty good… what kind of changes are you planning to make for it to fit the kirupa theme?

I could be mean, then I would say, I like the four dots there vts31 ;p

But I’m not mean, so I say that what I would say, I like your drawings…

Yeah, I like the last one best Lavaboy
but I agree that a different shade for the circles would be better - perhaps shades of blue akin to the shade changes on the header…

…and it could/should have something on the back…

neat drwing vts31, but…
…is a mechanical dog associated with Kirupa ?

mechanical dog?
i think its a mech guys…

and whats with u guy and the color square things… i dont think they are actually on the shirt, i think they are just to show the colors…

we should have like, broken link buttons on the shirt… like they are right now…:slight_smile:

and remember… this is a hoodie… not a tshirt… stuff on the back of a hoodie looks REALLY bad…

I’m pretty sure we’re talking about two different things

Lavaboys’ last sample has colored circles on the shirt

vts31’s sample has color choice squares off to the side

[size=1]…reading is fun-da-mental…[/size]


heh… make me feel stupid


my bad

running away feelin dumb

Reland: 28 was answering 2 different people…
EDIT:… ok, now I feel dumb too…

*Originally posted by xxviii *

heh… make me feel stupid


my bad

running away feelin dumb **

…it’s oK - it’s oK - …I know about the meds… :wink:


:!: … RelandRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…:wink:


i dunno how to pronounce an r right after a d

its like dr… but not the doctor kind… just dr


*Originally posted by xxviii *
**i dunno how to pronounce an r right after a d

its like dr… but not the doctor kind… just dr

raylandr…dr…der…d-r **

R-E-L-A-N-D-(E)-R… only the E is absent yet not silent

…don’t ask…:slight_smile:

i wont…