Revv Poll about removing his Picture

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Pj you are one cruel man :stuck_out_tongue:

but I agree, that avatar is scary beyond all reason. =)

the doctor told me that if i saw it again i would be blind.

v e r y f r e a k y :sleep:



That Avatar is so awesome. Just because you people were deprived of Red Dwarf doesnā€™t mean you should take it out on Rev.

If you saw those episodes you would be cracking up when you saw it!


I told you ā€œdonā€™t poke the hornetā€™s nest with a short stickā€


Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m with lost.
Holly rules! Long live the 'Dwarf.

When Phil gave me a hard time when I went Black, I told him to wait until I became a blonde femaleā€¦


just wait for the GELFsā€¦



[SIZE=4]G[/SIZE] enetically [SIZE=4]E[/SIZE] ngineered [SIZE=4]L[/SIZE] ife [SIZE=4]F[/SIZE] orm

[SIZE=1]::not pretty::[/SIZE]

there are also the rogue simulantsā€¦

Dr. Lindstromā€¦




how you like me now?


Itā€™s looks kinda like some oldtime queen thwacked in the nogginā€™ with a 2x4ā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:


ā€œYucko poohyā€ as pj says =)

I have a bunch moreā€¦

Itā€™s up to Philā€¦

Are they going to be nice?

Orā€¦ not so nice?



And if you were hinting at me with changing the votes on the poll, I most definitely did not!

No seriously, I didnā€™t.

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Queen elizabeth on a bad hair day?

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

i think its the queen on a GOOD dayā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

no more wierd pics! go back to the somewhat norm!

But Cassandra is a super-intelligent computer that can accurately predict the futureā€¦


What a babeā€¦




Man, you really lost your sanity!
YouĀ“re messing with too much too strange things.

Come on people" LetĀ“s cast rev back to where he belongs, to where phil has just come fromā€¦ you know what IĀ“m talking about! Anyone who calls this blonde creature a BABE must NOT be human.

Oh dear god, where are we going?

dunno why, but every time I look to revĀ“s avatar i remember lovecraft, [SIZE=1]and puke, scream, run for my life, for my sanityā€¦[/SIZE]


This is kinda like an election in Iraqā€¦

A whole bunch of people line up to show support for the dictatorā€¦

too bad it has the same resultā€¦



Note: the footer and avitar will change at my willā€¦ =)


k k, the footer is now better. But put on ur ā€œto-Do-Listā€, changing my avatar!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

donĀ“t take me wrong, I HATE YOUR AVATAR, but I like you.

YouĀ“re a cool guy, and youĀ“ll be cooler if your avatar wasnĀ“t an [SIZE=1]androgen-beast-womanĀ“sHair-manĀ“sFace-ugly-disgusting-scarey-hellish-bizarre-sick-revolting-dunnoWhatMoreToSay[/SIZE].

And all that fuss about your [SIZE=1]androgen-beast-womanĀ“sHair-manĀ“sFace-ugly-disgusting-scarey-hellish-bizarre-sick-revolting-dunnoWhatMoreToSay[/SIZE] avatar shows how much peple care for you.=)