I’m with you Guigo!
thanx for the support h88!
Let´s make an intervention on rev! Let our love bring him back to the light! Let´s pray brothers, pray for the mercy of the lord wash clean the filthy mind of our beloved lost brother!
the footer is ok (great btw) now . but before now, the footer was different, with lots of that [SIZE=1]androgen-beast-woman´sHair-man´sFace-ugly-disgusting-scarey-hellish-bizarre-sick-revolting-dunnoWhatMoreToSay[/SIZE] faces flying around.
what about changing that [SIZE=1]androgen-man´sHair-man´sFace-ugly-disgusting-scarey-hellish-bizarre-sick-revolting-dunnoWhatMoreToSay[/SIZE] guigo~!!! i really didnt like that smoking guy!
ummm, yep, i really didnt like him
but at least it didn´t make you puke your guts out, nor mekes your eyes bleed, nor makes your head explode…
I´m just kiding, controversy is fun! and we have rev to thank for.
If you guys would just sit down and watch 2 eps of Red Dwarf, all this hostility would go away… =)
It sounds to me like you guys need to have a “smeggin’ good time” watching the Crimson Short One…
Holly is great, a little senile (she is 3 million years old), and a collection of singing potatoes, but she has your best interests at heart… sort of…
rev, what is the new thing that pops up on your footer?
*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**rev, what is the new thing that pops up on your footer? **
Is that you Rev?
Dave Lister, in a spacesuit, painting the side of my footer… punishment for doing some sort of rude thing to Rimmer…
thats a T-Rex? i see the guy, but i looks more like a camera to me.
didnt see this page…
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Do you think that my footer is a [SIZE=1]androgen-man´sHair-man´sFace-ugly-disgusting-scarey-hellish-bizarre-sick-revolting-dunnoWhatMoreToSay[/SIZE]. Im curious now.
pj **
no phill, it´s ok to me.
and about where you jus came from: well you came back to human, but where you came from to be human again I don´t know I always was and pretend to reamain human. So it´s up to you to tell from where you came.
and phil I think that´s you [SIZE=1]with your take over world thing[/SIZE]
*Originally posted by Guig0 *
=) **
Close, but where’s the straight-jacket?
you draw those? very good if you did…
no, i didn´t. You think I´m no capable??? ahaha
they´re at eyepunch
this is pixel art, my avatar is of the same fashion (I did it).
but I have a special request to rev:
If you´re going to give up to the majority, plz change it to a new and MORE disturbing avatar. It´s nice to stir things a lil bit with a controversy like that (give us something to chat about).
:grounding broke:
Oops, sorry